The music team begins rehearsals wednesday, Aug. 7, at 6:00 pm everyone is welcome!!!
Music director alexis korbe
Alexis Korbe is a Lyric Mezzo Soprano, Flutist, and Collaborative Pianist. Originally from Hays, Kansas, she holds a Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance and a Bachelor of Arts in French from Fort Hays State University. Alexis finished a Master of Music in Flute Performance with Dr. Frances Shelly in 2014 as well as a Master of Music in Opera Performance with Dr. Pina Mozzani in 2016. Recently, she has performed with the Opera San Antonio chorus in several operas and freelanced as an accompanist/vocal coach. Some of Alexis’s favorite roles have been Prince Orlovsky in Strauss’s Die Fledermaus, Miss Effie Belle Tate in Floyd’s Cold Sassy Tree, and the Witch in Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel. She also played the role of Maddalena in the Rigoletto quartet for Lyric Theatre-Illinois’s production of Viva Verdi!